
Invisible Children. A few guys ended up going over to Africa and shot a documentary on Child-Soldiers and the intense lifestyle, in general.

This will move you like no other. It motivates you to save up money to pour into organizations like this that are pushing forward to stop these awful movements. Invisible Children has had an extreme impact in the fight against Child-Soldiers. Read more on their website or watch more of their videos on youtube!




3rd World Countries - Loan Giving.

Kiva is a tight program that allows you to send out loans to people in third world countries to provide a way for them to start a business. The idea is to get a bunch of people together and pour their financial resources together to create this micro-loans.

(i.e.) [10] people give a gift of $25.00 - giving that person $250.00

Now, get this - these people pay you back! Not only did you provide them a way to fulfill their entrepreneurial dreams but they give it back! Sometimes you don't get all your money back - but for the most part, they end up doing well and return the loan.

Furthermore, once you receive your money back - you can do the process all over again and give someone else a loan! It's the best idea I have ever heard!

Not only this - you choose who your money goes to - there is a giant list of different countries, then you can narrow the search even more - and then you can read their individual stories and decide who you want to help out! It's super cool!



NONPROFIT Websites for Giving By Clicking!

Check this out! FREE way to help out people in need!

Just click or answer fun questions for FREE rice, cups of water, flour, fighting malaria, trees, etc. for the impoverished.

1. Click For Free Rice!
2. Click To Help Thirst!
3. Click For Free Flour!
4. Click To Help The World!




The Heifer Project

Giving. The Heifer Project.

If you want to help poor people in other countries survive - the basic need for survival; well, purchase some livestock for them. The Heifer Project is insanely gnarly - they totally are "legit" - they have been around for quite some time and are a reliable source.


Check out there website - see what they do, where it's happenin, etc. etc. Let's not ignore the need for survival - the help of an extra hand. It's time to reach out any way we can.




Giving. LESPWA - "Hope" in Creole.

Our friend Kelly hooked it up with an amazing cause! Okay, so basically you can go on LESPWA's website and SPONSOR AN ORPHAN or SPONSOR A STUDENT! Super cool. Super cool.

Click to Go to: LESPWA Website

SPONSOR AN ORPHAN - $125/month
"Your support will be a means of giving true hope and a true home to a child who desperately needs both."

"This will provide the following tangible gifts:
1. Housing
2. Nutritious Food
3. Clean water
4. Safety
5. Healthcare
6. Electricity and Plumbing
7. Christian house parents
8. Christian Schooling"

Now on another note - you can actually look at photos of different students - you pick which one you want to sponsor!

"Thirty dollars per month will provide your sponsored child with the following things:
» School supplies
» Books
» Highly qualified teachers
» A Christian education
» Spiritual guidance
» A nurturing atmosphere to learn and grow as a believer in Christ."

AMAZING. ABSOLUTELY WORTH EVERY DIME. These are just more ways to make an impact in peoples' lives around the world. Reach out, someone needs the extra hand...
